Sunday, October 18, 2009

Happy Chanukah!

Yesterday was Diwali, which is a Hindu holiday celebrating the homecoming of Lord Ram after rescuing his wife Sita from the arms of the king of Lanka.  With the help of his faithful monkey-servant Hanuman, good triumphed over evil.

I read they're making a movie with Keanu Reeves.

The past few days have had me pondering a lot.  I'm a Christian who works at a Christian school where a majority of students are not Christian in a predominantly Hindu part of a predominantly Hindu country with a Sikh prime minister.  There are Muslims, Buddhists, and Zoroastrians in there too...

So, I'm trying to think of analogies to what I've seen the past few days.  The school had a fireworks display last night in honor of Diwali (the tradition is to set out diyas or lamps for Ram to find his way home- as if he'd get so lost to come by Mussorie).  I love fireworks, but isn't this kind of like a Jewish school having a Christmas pageant?  I mean, cool in the way of diversity and all, but kind of a contradiction.  But, considering how many Hindu kids are at the school and we don't allow them to go to the temple (the decision based I think on the fact they will buy fireworks and/or get limbs blown off in the bazaar), maybe it's only right that we do some fireworks.  I mean, if a bunch of Christians were a minority at a boarding school and they weren't allowed to go to church on Easter, it'd be only fair to have a celebration at school.

So, I guess the question I've been pondering is more about what is appropriate for Christians to do regarding devotion ceremonies to Hindu gods.  Or, regarding a long-standing fun cultural event.  WHICH ONE IS IT?!?  Some Christian staff participate in the explosive festivities without a second thought.  They'll also happily do yoga (another post, another post) along the Ganga and feel "spiritual."  Other Christian staff grumble that the school does anything for a Hindu holiday.  

I... observe.

Monday, October 12, 2009

A dinner of onions

I have to admit, I get bored just writing about what happens in my life.  It just reminds me too much of Doogie Howser or some 12 year old girl confiding in her secret journal with a too-easily-broken lock.  The past few weeks have had sports day, quarter break, and the student talent show.  Each of those things have fun stories to go with it.  I won a medal for the staff relay, I bought some kind of bronze star globe with Farsi script, and heard a pretty decent cover of a Blur song.  If you're really interested, ask me.

But what I really like about the past few weeks is how settled I have felt living and working here.  Most of the things on my mind are not really blogworthy.  I am now accepting that I cannot get any white or yellow onions.  I will be dealing with students giggling as I mention the Abrahamic covenant (look it up if you don't know what I'm talking about).  I'm okay with that.  Seniors will think they are God's gift to the earth and make up privileges as they see fit.  Yup.

Does anybody besides me really care about the color of onions?  No, probably not.  So I won't write too much about it.  However, if anyone cares, I do make a mean French-style onion soup (no crouton or broiled Provolone).  Add a few globules of yak cheese and that's a dinner, buddy!

A dinner of onions.  Besides pretentious book club books, what else should I write about?