Monday, March 23, 2009


Today was a health day for me.  Not mental health day.  I don't get those.  No, today I visited the health centre, or a pit of brightly painted doom for me.  To me, it's full of needles and shots and sick, vampiric blood-drawing devices.  I won't even get into the stool samples they have there (I think I read that the smell of feces is demonic).

But, today I needed to visit.  And, I am now the proud owner of tetnaus and typhoid anitbodies.

In addition to the health centre, I visited a nice oral hygenist today.

You went to the Dentist in India?

Nay!  Not the dentist.  I visited a "Oral Health Resort."  Every bit as calming as the dentist, with cheesy music and an upside-down view of the mountainside as seen through a mirror above the chair.

A few months ago, I lost a quarter of one of my back molars in an unfortunate Italian food incident (the food was unfortunate, not the incident).  It didn't hurt, I didn't have insurance at the time and I hate dentists anyway, so fine.  I left it alone.  Saturday night, however, I got a waiwai noodle stuck back in that gap, and I can't remember the last time I've felt dental pain like that.  So, to the Oral Health Resort.

Back to the story, after prodding my gums gap and taking an X-ray, this man proceeds to STUFF A COTTON BALL in my back gums as a way to stop food from hitting my nerve.  Oh, the nerve.  And not only do I have a cotton ball in my mouth, he coated it with sage oil, which tastes and smells nasty.  I go to see him a week from Wednesday.  I wonder if he'll care if I will have picked the cotton out of my mouth by then.

A sore arm and a cottonmouth.  I must be healthy!

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