Friday, February 20, 2009


Every Friday, the kids get to take a class in what's called "exploratory block."  They sign up for whichever class suits their tastes.  There's knitting, card games, pottery, classic movies, and so on.  I'm one of the supervisors for the Model United Nations, one of the more popular choices.  A lot of students choose MUN because it's prestigious, looks good on a college application, and they get the chance to travel (not at all like why I chose to advise).

So, today the chairs of the committee I'm advising (environmental protection, woo!), were showing the new kids the procedure for how to speak, interrupt, and so on.  In order to do this, they came up with a fake resolution, sponsored by the delegate from the Netherlands (one of my advisees).  

It went something along these lines:  'The food service provider at Woodstock will be scrapped.  It will be replaced with chefs from the Netherlands, who can imbue the food with a special "salt" from the Netherlands.  These chefs will be paid for by a large cut in the principal's pay.'

Is it time to start weeping for the future?


  1. As fake resolutions go, I think it could be a lot worse. I'm not sure what it has to do Environmental Protection, but I second the resolution from the representative of the Netherlands.

  2. Personally, I can't wait until my food is imbued with Dutch salt.

  3. I don't know about Dutch salt but the Dutch are quite handy with many spices we don't use in Minnesota. It comes from their dominance in trade with SE Asia for so long. I move that we take this motion to the vote... nea's?... hearing none, the motion passes. Last one to the eatery, passed the vengeful moneys, and up the mountainous terrain does the washing-up.
