Monday, February 16, 2009

Rough Day

Bad days are so different here.

Today's schedule

11pm to 7am: Toss and turn, sleeping very little.

7:50am: Trudge to school.

8:15am: Arrive, sit down, and get up again to supervise first study hall. (I believe that study hall supervision is worse than what I imagine camping to be- I don't feel comfortable zoning out into my own work. I feel like I should be supervising the students, despite everyone telling me otherwise)

9:50am: Meet with my immediate supervisor, an amazing, salt-of-the-earth-type woman named Dot from Liverpool. Get told that the way I am structuring my ethics class will lead to disaster (Definitely something I needed to hear, but not something I wanted to hear)

11:00am to 3:30pm: Another study hall, a dismal lunch, and another, final study hall involving myself sneaking off to read a book on Hitchcock.

3:45: Tea time and the end of the school day (the teatime eclairs were a bright spot)

4:00: Prep time for tomorrow's class- summarize the entire book of Acts into one lesson and create a Powerpoint presentation on the cycle of birth and rebirth in Hinduism.

5:45: The walk home

6:00: Encounter the mean, brown-red variety of monkey blocking my path

6:10: Going the other way around, encounter another monkey of the mean, red-brown variety

6:15: Standoff ends when monkey gets grunting reinforcements and I go down to the road

6:25: Arrive home

I'll write about an awesome day soon, I swear. For now, ramen noodles, grilled cheese, and Coke are in my immediate future.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this!

    Should I ever have a bad day, I can always put it into perspective with: At least there weren't any mean monkeys blocking my path.

    (Again, I'm so glad you have a blog...)
